Fixing Electronic Dart Board Common Problems: Troubleshooting Guide

By Tavish Archer
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As a passionate darts player, I understand how frustrating a broken electronic dart board can be, especially if it stops working in the middle of a game or just when you’re about to start.

A few months ago, I invited my friends over to hang out at my place and enjoy a quick session of DART GAMES. Only as we were about to start playing did we realize that the board wasn’t registering any hits.

“Ugh…of all days, it had to happen today,” my friend Erik said. The good news, though, is that after searching for solutions for several hours, we found a perfect fix. And guess what? It worked again!

If you’re facing any issues with your electronic dartboard too, here is a troubleshooting guide for beginners, compiling all the common problems and their fixes.

Electronic dart board troubleshooting guide with problems and solutions

What To Do If Your Electronic Dart Board Does Not Turn On?

This issue is more common than you might realize, and it might not necessarily be due to a problem with your electronic dartboard. If you’re having trouble turning your board on, first, check for any loose connections. Most of the time, simply plugging and unplugging the cable can fix the issue.

However, if this doesn’t resolve the issue and the power supply seems fine, the issue might lie in a BLOWN FUSE. Carefully open up the dart board to inspect the fuse. If you have a spare fuse available, try swapping it with the current one to see if that turns your machine on.

If these steps don’t work, it’s advisable to take the E-dartboard to an electrician or the store for professional repair.

Why Are Soft-Tip Darts Not Sticking On The Board (Or, Bouncing Off)?

One thing I realized after starting to play on electronic dartboards is that occasional bounce-outs are quite normal. This is because, unlike a traditional board, the darts don’t pierce their way into the material to get stuck.

Instead, they slide into pre-molded holes in the target area, which means they don’t always stick as effectively as steel tip darts on a bristle board. However, frequent bounce-outs can be quite frustrating. Here are some tips for reducing it:

1. Throw Straight

As a newbie, you might experience more bounce-outs due to improper throwing angles. Unless you throw the soft-tip darts perfectly straight, they may hit the board at an angle and ricochet away. This improves with practice as you refine your stance.

2. Throw Harder

Another common reason beginners often experience a lot of bounce-outs is the lack of adequate strength in their throws. Remember, the holes are designed to fit the darts very snugly, and they won’t go deep enough to secure themselves unless released with sufficient force.

In my years of darting experience, one thing I’ve learned is that the strength of the throw is closely tied to your POSTURE and HAND MOVEMENT. The secret lies in throwing the darts using the right technique rather than simply chucking them toward the electronic board with all your might.

3. Get Better Darts

Lastly, not all darts are well-made. Poor-quality tips often fit loosely in the holes, causing them to bounce out. Investing in branded darts of better quality can help resolve your bounce-out problem. You could also experiment with different products to see which one works best—some may be more compatible with your board than others.

During my testing of various dartboards, I observed that some are specially designed to REDUCE bounce-outs. Conversely, some models tend to have an annoyingly high rate of bounce rate due to poor design. This is something you should check before purchasing a digital board.

4. Clean Your Board Regularly

Much like your computer, electronic dart boards require regular cleaning to prevent malfunctions. Dust poses a significant threat to electronic devices, and if left unattended for an extended period, it can accumulate and obstruct the holes in the spider.

To maintain optimal performance, it’s crucial to set up your dart board away from areas prone to dirt buildup. Establish a cleaning schedule and adhere to it diligently to ensure the longevity and functionality of your electronic dart board.

Dust should not accumulate inside an electronic dart board

But, What About Broken Dart Tips Stuck On The Board?

I’ve encountered this issue quite a few times by now on my electronic dart boards. Soft tips are usually more prone to breaking off, which is why I always make sure to stock up on extra tips.

Here’s what happens: a part of the tip lodges itself into the dartboard, breaking away from the rest. You can pull it out by hand if there’s enough of the tip poking out, but it might not be possible, as the broken tips are usually quite small- about a few millimeters.

So, here is what you can do to solve the problem successfully:

Using Pliers Or A Tip Punch Tool

Most of the time, I can extract broken tips from the electronic dart board using a pair of pliers. However, there are instances when the tips break badly and remain deep inside the holes.

In these cases, the part sticking out of the hole is too small to grab with pliers. Initially, I used to take apart the board (I’ll come to it soon) to remove these bits, which is admittedly a bit of a hassle.

So, I was pleasantly surprised when I came across the Colonial Metal Tip Punch Tool. This specialized tool is designed to grab and remove dart tips that break flush against the board, and it has proven to be quite handy.

Removing Broken Dart Tips From Inside The Board

Now, if you don’t have a tip punch tool available, you’d need to take apart the electronic dartboard and remove the tip from inside the segment. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help you out:

  1. Dismount the dart board and place it face-down on a surface.
  2. Unscrew and carefully remove all the bolts. Some models have different sizes of bolts, so avoid mixing them up and remember which bolt goes where.
  3. Remove the back panel of your board – it should come off easily.
  4. Inside, you might find a foam layer that helps reduce noise by absorbing some of the impact of the darts. Remove this layer, as well as the rubber or silicone mat that comes next.
  5. With the mat removed, you’ll expose the backside of the target area panels. Easily grab the panel with dart tips stuck in it and pop it out from the back. Some dartboard models have a protective back cover behind the segments – these can be removed using a knife or a similar tool.
  6. Removing the broken tips should be relatively easy now. Grab them from the inside of the segment and push or pull them out. I’d recommend pushing them out from the front to avoid widening the hole.

Getting a tip punch tool will be well worth it if you play regularly – it will save you a lot of hassle.

Darts Are Sticking, But The Board Is Not Registering Hits: Solution

I won’t deny it – we were honestly a bit flabbergasted when my first electronic dartboard stopped registering hits. None of us knew how to fix it since it was a rather uncommon issue, but I suspected that it had something to do with the connection between the sensor area and the processor. However, the solution was surprisingly easy.

After spending about 15 minutes trying different troubleshooting solutions, I came across an online video by someone who faced the same issue. Remember the foam layer I mentioned earlier?

Apparently, removing it fixes sensitivity/loose connection issues in the dart board. I decided to try it anyway, even though I didn’t really think it would work, and guess what? It started working just fine! It was admittedly a bit noisier than usual, but at least we could continue playing.

If this doesn’t work for you, I would advise you to repair it with the help of a professional, because it is a purely electrical problem.

Complex electronic circuits of dart board
Complex electronic circuits of a dartboard

What If Your Electronic Dartboard Is Turning On, But Showing An Error?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to this – you’d have to identify the issue based on the error code displayed. If you’re unsure what the message means, refer to the user manual, which usually lists all possible error codes and their respective translations. Alternatively, check the dartboard brand’s website for error code information.

However, here’s a quick TRICK– hitting the reset button often fixes errors instantly on an electronic dart board. So, if you cannot decode the error message or the system appears to freeze, simply press the reset button.

Keep in mind that this button may not be as easily accessible as the others on some boards– you’ll need a pointy tool to reach it.

Digital Dartboard Screen Frozen: Causes And Solution

A frozen screen is usually caused by memory errors. However, if the electronic dart machine fails to reset or the issue persists, try powering it off and turning it back on. Once again, hitting the reset button is the easiest fix, and it works most of the time.

But it can be caused by other electrical malfunctions. If turning the dartboard on/off or resetting it does not work, it’s better to seek help from an expert technician or the customer care of your brand.

What To Do If Your Electronic Dart Board Is Broken?

Whether or not you can fix a broken electronic dart board yourself depends on the extent of the damage. If the problem is mostly on the panel, you should easily be able to put it together with some strong glue and tape. Repairing a broken target area is trickier, as tape may block the holes, and a crack running through the board can make it hard to play.

But guess what? For damages to the wiring and other internal components, you could try repairing or replacing those parts yourself if you prefer DIY solutions. Some parts are easy to swap, but others might require professional expertise. Take a look at this video:

As you can see, many common electronic dartboard problems can be fixed at home, possibly even without any technical expertise. However, if you aren’t confident repairing your board yourself, take it to an electrician – they might be able to solve it.

However, if the damage is beyond repair or you can’t find suitable replacement parts, your only option is to buy a new one. The right way to avoid such issues is to invest in the BEST ELECTRONIC DART BOARD from the beginning. Avoid going for cheaper options just to save money – not only can repairs and upgrades add up in costs in the long run, but they can also hinder the board’s performance.

Tavish Archer

Tavish Archer

Tavish Archer is a Recreational Gamer, Author, and Co-Founder of ThrilloGaming. He holds a degree in Sports Management from Mississippi College (MC), United States. His experience and proficiency in the field allow him to provide winning strategies, creative ideas, and expert advice.

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