Ready to Clean Your Electronic Dart Board? Here’s How!

By Tavish Archer
Edited On

Hey dart enthusiasts! When I got my first electronic dartboard some years ago, everything was great until I spotted a problem – it was getting dirty and bouncing off darts, and I had no idea how to clean it.

I didn’t even think about it until my sister Sarah pointed out some mold in the dart board holes. This was before I had a dartboard cabinet, so the board was out in the open, collecting dust all day.

“So, how do we clean this?” Sarah asked. I wasn’t sure at that time but washing it with water or wet cloth seemed like a bad idea. It took us a while, but we figured out how to get rid of the mold and dirt.

Now, I want to share what we learned to keep our electronic dartboards shiny and mold-free. Read on for some simple tips to keep your board in good shape!

Should You Spray Water On An Electronic Dartboard?

When it comes to cleaning your electronic dartboard, here’s the golden rule: NEVER, AND I REPEAT NEVER SPRAY WATER ON IT. Trust me, it’s the ultimate no-no. And guess what? This advice goes double for bristle boards – water can cause those sisal fibers to rot.

Using water to maintain a digital board is like playing with fire – literally. The risk of a short circuit or, worst-case scenario, sparking a fire is not something you want to gamble with. So, step away from the water, my friend. There are safer ways to keep your dartboard in top-notch condition!

So, How To Clean An Electronic Dart Board?

Not all cleaning methods for traditional dartboards are suitable for a digital board. As mentioned earlier, using water is obviously not recommended – you don’t want to damage the electronic components. Here’s how I’d recommend upkeeping it.

Step 1: Dismount The Board From The Wall

To start, turn off and take down your dart board from the wall. Cleaning it well means reaching every nook and cranny easily. Gently unscrew the bolts securing the dartboard, being careful not to let it slip. If your board is part of a cabinet, you’ll need to remove the entire cabinet for proper access.

Step 2: Wipe The Board With A Dry Cloth

Now, grab a dry, neat cloth or a soft brush and swipe away the dust from the dartboard surface. Focus on the front, back, and sides for now; we’ll get to the dart holes in a bit. If your board is part of a cabinet, make sure to hit those cabinet corners too. Let’s give that electronic buddy a dust-free makeover!

Step 3: Use Cotton Swabs Or Vacuum Cleaner For The Holes

Getting into the nitty-gritty of cleaning those tiny dart holes proved to be a bit of a head-scratcher initially. We scoured around, on the lookout for something slender enough to fit without causing any harm to the electronic sensors. Then, like a stroke of luck, Sarah stumbled upon a packet of cotton swabs – A PERFECT MATCH!

Now, with mold growing in the dart holes, I decided to first soak them a little in white petrol (kerosene/paraffin). Although I’m not exactly a fan of the smell, it does wonders against mold.

The bonus? It evaporates quickly, leaving no trace. Of course, if you’re not battling mold, a dry swab does the job for regular dirt. It’s all about picking the right tool for the cleaning game!

Alternatively, simplify your electronic dartboard cleanup routine with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Honestly, this has become our preferred method, ditching the laborious process of wiping each hole one by one with a cotton swab.

While the swab is essential for handling mold or sticky residue, the vacuum cleaner takes the lead in effortlessly clearing away dry dust. It’s the smart solution for a swift and efficient dust-free outcome, sparing you the time and effort of meticulous hole-by-hole maintenance.

Step 4: Remove Hard Stains And Molds Using Vinegar

Vinegar is more than just a flavoring for your dishes – it’s also an excellent cleaning agent. In case your dartboard has a nasty stain and mold that you’re unable to get rid of, vinegar should usually work wonders. Vinegar is also pretty safe and non-corrosive, which makes it great for the purpose.

Step 5: Wipe It With A Damp Cloth

Finish off the dart board cleaning process with a thorough wipe using a slightly damp cloth. Ensure the cloth isn’t overly wet to prevent water from seeping into the electronic parts.

Aim for just enough dampness to effectively eliminate any remaining dirt or stains, ensuring your dartboard is not only clean but primed for your next game.

How Often Should You Maintain Your Dartboard?

Depending on whether your electronic dartboard setup includes a cabinet, cleaning frequency ranges from once a week to once a month. Having learned my lesson and determined not to let my board fall victim to mold again, I adopted a weekly routine.

There were occasions when I’d skip cleaning the dart holes if they weren’t too dirty and I was in a rush, but I made it a point to maintain them at least once every couple of weeks.

Upon acquiring a dartboard cabinet, the need for weekly cleaning diminished as the board wasn’t accumulating enough dirt to require such frequent upkeeping.

However, it’s still crucial to give the exterior of your cabinet a quick wipe with a cloth or cleaning brush every week to maintain a dirt-free shiny look. As for the board itself, a monthly schedule suffices, provided the cabinet doors remain closed most of the time.

Also Read: How To Play Electronic Darts?

Important Tips For Cleaning

Now that you know how to clean up your electronic dart board, let me share a few essential tips I learned over the years.

  • Don’t Use Water: I know I repeat myself, but this is very important. Don’t use any water on the electronic dartboard, except when wiping it with a slightly damp cloth.
  • Avoid Corrosive Cleaning Solutions: Even if your dart board has a stubborn stain that refuses to disappear, do not use any corrosive chemicals. Besides being dangerous for your skin, such incompatible cleaning supplies might discolor the board or even damage the material.
  • Let It Dry: If you have used a damp cloth, kerosene, vinegar, or any other liquid cleaning agent, leave the board to dry completely before you mount it back on the wall. Dust settling on any liquid left in the dartboard might turn it soggy and dirty.
  • Clean The Board Regularly: Don’t repeat my sister’s mistake – maintain your board regularly every week and do not wait till you have to deal with mold growing on it.
  • Get A Cabinet: Lastly, invest in a good dartboard cabinet. Trust me – it will be well worth your money. A cabinet protects your board from dust, so you have to spend much less time and effort cleaning the board. Besides, it’s much easier to restore the cabinet than poke a swab into every dart hole.

Also Read: How to fix an electronic dart board?

In Closing: Highlights and Takeaways

Ensuring the cleanliness of your electronic dartboard is an easy task, provided you do it regularly and prevent dirt buildup. Simply get a cloth, and some cotton swabs, and you’re good to go. Additional cleaning supplies like vinegar and kerosene are optional and only necessary if your dart board has stains or mold.

I trust this guide has proven helpful, equipping you with the knowledge to maintain your dartboard effortlessly. If you have any more doubts, please let me know in the comments.

Tavish Archer

Tavish Archer

Tavish Archer is a Recreational Gamer, Author, and Co-Founder of ThrilloGaming. He holds a degree in Sports Management from Mississippi College (MC), United States. His experience and proficiency in the field allow him to provide winning strategies, creative ideas, and expert advice.

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